Saturday, 1 October 2011

What Is the Cause of ADD-ADHD?

This is a very interesting topic, it depends who you ask and what you read. Presuming you just asked, I will share with you... Note: I am not an expert or Medical professional. I am ADD (ADHD) diagnosed, and have contributed significant time to its study.

Let's begin with the non-mainstream. The first ADHD ADD book I read was "Beyond ADD Hunting For Reasons In The Past and Present" - by Thom Hartman. I realize the book is a bit dated (published 1996), but he puts forth a very interesting argument, particularly for those who aren't familiar, and it was the first ADHD book I read so it naturally had a strong impact. I will paraphrase his argument, the hunters/gatherers/farmers theory (my opinion of his theory).

ADD is a leftover adaptation from our hunting and gathering days. According to the book, ADD was an adaptive advantage to our ancestral hunters prowling the depths of the forests. I distinctly remember a chapter detailing how ADD helped the 'hunters'.

In the chapter, our distant cousin (the male hunter) is tracking some sort of prey, and a wolf or similarly vicious animal erupts from the shrubbery. The hunter can't think, he must act, thinking = death. Naturally, the ADD adaptation increases the hunter's abilities that favor survival. Specifically, constantly scanning the entire environment, hyper focusing on multiple tasks simultaneously. It is constant, constant, constant - think, act, focus, re-focus, big picture, analyze, conclude, move, communicate, opportunity, risk, boldness, etc. An enticing theory.

In summary, an evolutionarily advantage/adaptation was the cause of Attention Deficit Disorder. Last but not least, circa 10,000 BC humans began permanent settlements through crop domestication (agriculture) and the evolutionary advantage of ADD suddenly was disadvantageous.

Until the information age.

ADD, ADHD Causes

The Exact ADD, ADHD Cause(s)

• Unknown
Probable Causes
• Largely Genetic
• Brain Structure
• Function of brain chemicals (dopamine and norepinephrine / neurotransmitters)
• Brain Development
Possible Factors
• Brain Injury
• Environmental Exposure (lead)
• Alcohol and tobacco use during pregnancy
• Premature Delivery
• Low birth weight
Not Causes
• Poor Diet
• Social and environmental factors (poverty, family structure)
• Parenting
Realize this is far from black and white. Social and environmental factors probably influence the likelihood of an ADHD diagnostic test (or diagnosis), but it will not be an underlying cause. Low birth weight may determine the severity without being a Cause. The best answers are from your doctor.

This article is located at Cause of ADD, ADHD. Enjoy similar articles at
This site is useful for three groups:
1. Those diagnosed with ADHD or ADD
2. The group who is not diagnosed but close to an ADHD ADD family member, friend, or significant other
3. You are simply interested and curious


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