Do you remember in the movie, "The Secret," how Bob Proctor said the word 'disease' should be hyphenated, like this - 'dis-ease'? He suggested that illness itself is caused by stress, - a lack of ease and balance. This becomes even clearer when you begin to see poverty as a disease, which it is. If you look around you, you will see people in all walks of life achieving the goals they have set for themselves, and you will see others, often in the same business or following the same profession, who are barely able to make ends meet.The only possible difference has to be the way they are each using the Law of Attraction and the universal laws that support it to bring them what they are focusing on. There is a universal Law of Increase. There is no Law of Lack. The experience of lack and limitation is caused by limited thinking, - the belief that there is not enough to go around. Nature is lavish and abundant in all its ways. The only reason there seems to be a lack is because of the conviction of some that there is not enough to go around. Their greed and attempts to control the resources of the world are, in fact, based upon fear.
None of it is necessary. There is a wealth of opportunity for every person who begins to practice the Law of Attraction, and the 11 forgotten laws that support it. There is enough material to build a beautiful home for every living person in this world, and there is enough material to beautifully clothe every human being in this world. The supply of the universe is literally infinite.
The very existence of the Law of Attraction must mean that the universe is comprised of a living energy with infinite intelligence, and that this intelligence is responsive to your thoughts. The reason that the Law of Increase is so central to the Law of Attraction is because it is the nature of universe to always seek greater ways to express itself through each of us. If you are suffering from the dis-ease of poverty, here is one thing you can do:
Condense the idea of your needs into one small phrase. It could be something as simple as, "The universe now supplies all my needs in abundance!" Repeat it over and over again, like a mantra. Whenever the thought of unpaid bills, or any kind of lack, comes to your mind, say it again. We think about 60,000 thoughts a day. What you are doing by following this method is tipping the balance in your favor, towards the outcome you desire.
No matter how dire your present circumstances seem to be, by redirecting your thoughts towards abundance, wealth, progress, and success, - you will receive a healing response from the Law of Attraction, via the Law of Increase.
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